The Important Things….

Perspective… Value of friendship, and eyes wide open. Before I have spent literally, years sitting at a desk, with my heart in my throat, frantically networking, emailing, calling people I didn’t know, trying to save animals from one shelter or another, in so many states, I have lost count. I have asked for help for an animal I found on an interstate and had all the help I needed, in less than 24 hours. Yet, today I asked for help from all those people, that have asked me to share, tag and crosspost an animal, at one time or another. All my “friends” All my “rescue” friends. I asked for someone who is just as innocent, in just as much need, in fact so much more need, who also has a family who loves him more than words, and I am astonished, disheartened,and saddened by the lack of response from the large majority of people I have helped. Do you not see that little boy?  



Is his life less important than an animals? Does the fact that his family is in need, some how make you uncomfortable sharing his story? Why? I asked people for help for a kitten and in under 12 hours I had all I needed. And what was left helped 2 more cats. I simply cannot understand why a little boy, fighting for his life, LITTERALLY, is not somehow so much more important! I know one thing for sure, this little boy, with his soft, sweet, cherub cheeks, one with a sneaky tumor the size of a walnut, is the single, most important story, I have ever had to tell. I have told a lot of stories,most of them aout me. This is not one of them. This is so much more important than mere me. I promise, that when he is well, when he is safe, I will revisit this experience and delete those in my life who do not think he is just as important as that kitten. That his life is just as valuable as mine or yours, or that kittens! More so, because he has had just 3 years to live it. He deserves so much more, than to be less important than a kitten. Kittens are important, but                                                             he is more important.
Maybe this is what everyone has been trying to teach me. Maybe all that work, saving all those animals, was to prepare me for trying to help Ayden. He is a little boy, so innocent, so sweet and so, so sick. I will cleanse my life forever, of people who for whatever reason, failed to help this little boy when all it would have taken was a “share” or a “tag” or a “crossposting”. I will cleanse my life of people who can only see their own need, even if it’s the need to save an animal. I will clear out the riffraff, the chaff and be left with the group who can place a little boy at the top of a post, or an email, just because he is a little boy with a huge need. And still think animals are important too. Just not so important that they couldn’t take 2 seconds to share a little boys story.

Kissable Cheeks!!!

Kissable Cheeks!!!

His mom, my friend of 21 years, is an admirable woman, with a strength those who couldn’t or wouldn’t help, totally lack. She is a person to admire, and hold in high esteem, simply because she has the guts to ask for help, and then let go and let God do his work. She trusted me with a task, I am now afraid I wont be able to accomplish, because I had no idea that all of those I have helped, for so many years when they asked, would do nothing, not even share Ayden’s story. Kim deserves some kind of award for her visable strength, and her willingness to just do what ever she has to for her children. I always knew she was strong and an ox, but i had no idea she could give Atlas a run for his money. She literally is carrying the weight of the world right now. Her car is broken, she has no money, her child is terribly ill, and my “friends” cant even find it in their hearts to share her plea for help. I have people I have met at my new job, that have done more, so much more, than people I have known for years. I am certainly not giving up, I do know how to network, and fund raise. I am just so literally grounded by what I am seeing. Or really, not seeing. Maybe, its my eyes finally opening to the truth of perspective, and the value of a friend. One you can hug. One, whose little boy has the softest cheeks I have ever kissed.
How do you not fall in love with that spirit!?

How do you not fall in love with that spirit!?



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